English communication Course

Characteristics of the Course

Every day we put a lot of effort to achieve the three below objectives before graduation:

①To catch up the level 2 of EIKEN “English Proficiency Test”
②To be able to be fluently in English language at speech and presentation.
③To be able to go on the English language study by themselves after graduation of school.

There are between 8~11 hours of English study in the classroom per week for each grade. During the first year, the English basic knowledge is consolidated. During the second year, according to the course of life the students wish to follow, they are divided in course A and B, and there are several inputs -outputs of English. During the third year, as a result of English apprenticeship, students will make a presentation of a topic they choose by themselves. Next, they learn four well-balanced skills: reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing. They develop the knowledge of English expressions to be used in speeches and presentations. There are a small number of people in the English classes and there are always available 2 native “Assistant Language Teachers”. Therefore, everyone has the chance to communicate in English. There are facilities, like computers, at students’ disposal to be used for learning English. After graduation, many of the students will study humanities, business and commerce, literature and social work at the “four-year system” language universities.


School activities

Orientation (1st grade students), summer seminar, (1st and 2nd grade students), practicing English expressions used for the presentation (3rd grade students). We have  study trip to Australia to sister school in Australia every two years during summer vacation.

Main prospects for Higher Education and Employment

Higher Education

Four-year system Universities

愛知県立大学、愛知大学、関西大学、中京大学、名城大学、名古屋外国語大学、関西外国語大学、京都外国語大学、愛知淑徳大学、愛知学院大学、金城学院大学、日本福祉大学、名古屋商科大学、名古屋学院大学、皇学館大学、鈴鹿大学、鈴鹿医療科学大学、名古屋学芸大学、京都精華大学、名古屋経済大学、桜花学園大学、大手前大学、東海学園大学、首都経済貿易大学(China)、TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Japan Campus、Universidad Europea Madrid(Spain)、Far Eastern University(Philippines), etc.

Two-year system universities

名古屋短期大学、三重短期大学、高田短期大学、名古屋文化短期大学、鈴鹿短期大学部、ユマニテク短期大学、創価女子短期大学、高山自動車短期大学, etc.

vocational schools

ユマニテク医療福祉専門学校、大阪外国語専門学校、三重県立津高等技術学校、国際観光専門学校、三重調理専門学校、中日美容専門学校、旭美容専門学校、ミエ・ヘアアーチストアカデミー、トライデント外国語ホテルブライダル専門学校、名古屋ウエディング&フラワービューティ学院、日産愛知自動車大学校、日本工学院専門学校、名古屋ECO動物海洋専門学校、大原簿記専門学校、東京法律専門学校、近畿コンピューター電子専門学校、ソウルホソ職業専門学校(Korea), etc.


本田技研工業(株)、シャープ(株)、日東電工(株)、(株)エクセディ、(株)モビリティランド鈴鹿サーキット、三重工熱(株)、 日本郵便(株)、美鈴開発(株)、(株)シキボウ、鳥羽ビューホテル、 NTNアドバンスマテリアルズ、POSCO Japan(株)、三重交通(株)、(株)日商、(株)ほていや、(株)アクセル、 鈴鹿農業協同組合、(株)戸田家、(株)平安閣、レイフィールド(株)、陸上自衛隊, etc.

Student activities

Winner of the High Schools English Speech Competition (contestant of Mie prefecture , Tokai area competition), winner of the High Schools English Speech Competition (contestant of Mie prefecture, national competition).
16 students of 3rd grade scored above 600 points in TOEIC.

Results of successful students at English level test EIKEN

grade/year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
First grade 1 1 0 0 0
pre –First grade 1 2 1 2 6
Second grade 18 14 14 15 17
Pre- second year 20 24 37 24 17
Third grade 19 22 34 25 4

International support

In the course of “English Communication” there are students from 15 different nationalities such as Brazil, Philippines, Peru, etc.

The students that don’t have enough knowledge of the Japanese Language receive orientation and support of Japanese study.

As they will acquire the knowledge of Japanese language, in the future they will be able to be hired in a global company that makes activities in Japan and also abroad.


The voices of our students

Basic Japanese A:1st Grade. From Shiroko Junior High School (Brazil)

I came to Japan when I was 15 years old. In the Junior High school, I studied in the International class. As I was interested in English language, and I wanted to learn it, I took the admission test at Iino School. I was very happy when I knew I was accepted to enrol. It’s great to be able to study English and Japanese at Iino High School. The students that cannot speak Japanese fluently, can adapt the study to their own pace in the S and T class.

As I belong to the Badminton club, it’s fun to make more friends. We have lots of fun together with friends in different events. It’s great that I could enter into Iino High School!!


Basic Japanese B: 2nd Grade.  From Chiyozaki Junior High School(Philippines)

I came to Japan when I was 15 years old. The culture of Philippines and Japan are very different. I was very surprised at it. The reason I took the admission test of Iino was because I wanted to use English and communicate with friends of many countries. There is a very good atmosphere in the Japanese class and teachers and students can make many questions to each other.

My goal is to work in a good company where I can use the English language. Therefore, we can talk to students and teachers in English. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT was very difficult, but I did my best!!! Before graduation, I want to reach Level 2 (N2) !!!


General Japanese:3rd Grade.  From Kanbe Junior High School(Sri Lanka)

I came to Japan when I was in the 6th grade of Primary school. At that time, I couldn’t speak Japanese at all. When I was in Junior High School, I couldn’t speak Japanese either and I didn’t have friends. But since entering into Iino High School, I have been able to make many new friends. Besides, in the classroom, teachers kindly explain and teach me everything that I cannot understand. There are many teachers who speak English.

Thanks to the teachers, my Japanese level has improved a lot. I passed level 2 of EIKEN and level 2 of the JLPT (N2). At Iino High School I can communicate with many people and my English level has become better.